JuHI.Baku. 20.06.2022. The General Meeting of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) was held in Izmir, Turkey on 13-14 June 2022. 110 delegates representing 71 member organizations from 45 European countries attended the General Meeting. Mushfig Alasgarli, the Chairman of the Journalists Trade Union of Azerbaijan participated in the EFJ General Meeting.
Croatian journalist Maja Sever was elected President of the EFJ.
Maja Sever, 50, started her professional career as a war reporter for Croatian public broadcaster HRT in ex-Yugoslavia. She then became a political reporter for different HRT news programs. She is now a senior journalist with more than 20 years of experience in public service media, currently a reporter for Sunday’s TV show Ndjeljelom u 2.
Sever took over the leadership of her union TUCJ in 2019 and has been involved in EFJ activities since then. The same year, she was elected Vice-Chair of the Labour Rights Expert Group (LAREG). Her commitments to the EFJ include workers’ rights and local media issues in South-East Europe.
The Steering Committee is the political body of the EFJ. It is composed of nine members elected by the General Assembly every three years: Maja Sever (President), Mustafa Kuleli (Vice-President), Andrea Roth (DJV, Germany), Anna Del Freo (FNSI, Italy), Marta Barcenilla (CCOO, Spain), Pablo Aiquel (SNJ-CGT, France), Allan Boye Thulstrup (DJ, Denmark), Martine Simonis (AJP, Belgium) and Tim Dawson (NUJ, UK). Elected reserve members are: Sergiy Tomilenko (NUJU, Ukraine), Elena Tarifa (FeSP, Spain) and Joachim Kreibich (dju in ver.di, Germany).