GENDER GROUP works within the body of MITDİB/JuHI . The group consists of seven people. Journalist Tarana Maharramova is coordinator of GENDER GROUP. She is a board member of MITDİB/JuHI.
MITDİB/JuHI GENDER GROUP monitors the gender equality situation in the Azerbaijani media and prepares reports on the subject. Gender Equality in Azerbaijan Media: The Current Situation report and related material was first prepared and published by JuHI/MITDİB in 2011 and updated version was published in 2020.
The title of the first report is "Gender Issues in Azerbaijan Media". The report was prepared as part of the European Commission-funded Ethical Journalism Initiative-Azerbaijan, run by JuHI in collaboration with the International Federation of Journalists.
Material on “Gender Issues in Azerbaijani Media”:
The name of the second report is “Gender Equality and the Media”. The report was prepared by JuHI with the support of the Council of Europe.
Gender Equality and the Media and a report of the same name