Qeyri-Hökumət Təşkilatlarına Dövlət Dəstəyi Agentliyi

Board and Working Groups of MITDIB/JuHI

Daily activities of MITDİB/JuHI, Implemented by the Board  and Working Groups

The Board of Directors consists of 7 people:

- The Board of Directors carries out the general management of the organization and ensures the implementation of daily programs.

The organization has 2 working groups:

- The first working group daily monitors the processes in the media. Prepares and distributes annual reports on the state of the Azerbaijani media.

- The second working group studies the issues of gender equality in the Azerbaijani media. They prepare reports and resources.


Members of the Board

- Mushfig Alaskarli (Chairman);

- Seymur Verdizada (member of the board, head of the monitoring group);

- Tarana Maharramova (member of the board, head of the gender group);

- Farida Aghazada (Member of the Board);

- Taleh Shahmammadli (Member of the Board);

- Niyaz Niftiyev (Member of the Board);

- Elchin Zahiroghlu (Member of the Board).


Gender group

GENDER GROUP works under MITDİB/JuHI (Public Association for Support of Innovative Initiatives in Mass Media and Union of Journalists of Azerbaijan). The group consists of seven people. The coordinator is journalist Tarana Maharramova, board member of MITDİB/JuHI.


MITDİB/JuHI GENDER GROUP monitors the status of gender equality in Azerbaijani media and prepares reports on the subject. The report “Gender Equality in Azerbaijani Media: Current Situation” and the material with the same name were first prepared and published by JuHI/MITD in 2011 and updated in 2020.

The name of the first report is "Gender Issues in Azerbaijan Media". The report was prepared within the framework of the Ethical Journalism Initiatives in Azerbaijan project funded by the European Commission and run by JuHI in collaboration with the International Federation of Journalists.