Qeyri-Hökumət Təşkilatlarına Dövlət Dəstəyi Agentliyi
OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media meets with Azerbaijani media representatives

OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media meets with Azerbaijani media representatives

April 27, 2022. ADA University hosted a roundtable on “The rise of disinformation: impact on the media landscape and effective policy responses”, organized by the Media Development Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The event, which was attended by leaders of local media, spoke about the negative effects of the increase in misinformation and ways to combat it.

Ms. Teresa Ribeiro, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, who was on an official visit to Azerbaijan, also attended the event and delivered a speech.

Ahmad Ismayilov, Executive Director of the Media Development Agency (MEDIA), Ismat Saftarov Chairman of the National Audiovisual Council, Rovshan Mammadov, Chairman of the Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting CJSC, Azer Khalilov, Chairman of the Azad (Free) Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, Elchin Mirzabeyli,  Editor-in-Chief of the Peoples’ Front newspaper and Mushfig Alasgarli, Chairman of the Journalists Trade Union made reports on the related topic.

date 27 April 2022 author Admin